Saturday, September 6, 2008

New Project: Forex

As I have written in a previous blog entry, I have been dabbling in the forex market a bit. I have decided to create a new blog dedicated to my experience with Forex. The goal of that blog is not to teach you, but to show you the ups and downs of trading the Forex Market. It is a brand new blog, so there are very few entries at this time. That will change, I am hoping I will be able to be more active in blogging here and on the new blog. I have decided to use wordpress for the new blog. Anyway, for those of you that are interested check it out.

I Trade Forex

The new blog will be part of my doubling effort eventually. My forex activities will not be, since it is something that I was doing before I started this project. I have debated with myself over this issue and have decided to stick to the rules completely.

I hope you all have a wonderful day!

Until next time...


Associated Content Payment For Freelance Writing

My article has been accepted into Associated Content and an offer has been made of $3.24. Payment will be made in a day or so. When the article is actually published I will post a link here. For those of you who do not know, Associated Content is a great place to get paid and become a published author. Check out my original blog post for more details. Second Business:Freelance Writing

Since I have not received payment as of yet, my total stake is still $1.08. After I receive payment I will subtract any amount that goes above my next step and begin with $1.28 as per rule 4. See The Rules for more details.


Hectic Schedule Explains My Brief Hiatus

I apologize for not posting for so long. Things have been rather hectic the last week or so. Since June 16, 2008, I have been attempting to learn how to trade the forex market. Between work, the doubling project, learning forex, trading forex, writing in my blogs, I have been rather busy. I have easily been spending over 80 hours a week on these projects. It really is not something I would call work, because I enjoy all of the activities that I am doing. For the next couple of weeks I am going to slow down on a lot of my activities. I will probably do a few doubling activities and write in my blogs. In a previous blog entry I stated my goals. Those goals are going to be postponed for a few weeks. What I am trying to say is I need a little down time. I will still try to post here frequently, hopefully no less than 3 times a week. I will slow down of forex a bit, and article marketing is at a stand still at this time. Like I said earlier, I apologize for not blogging more, it will pick up later.


Sunday, August 31, 2008

End of August Report

With this being the last day of the month, I have decided to recap. So with no further ado here are my first month results.

16 August 2008 - Read Penny Millions and The Rules. This experiment was started at this point.

20 August 2008 - Found a dime in the drink machine at work. On the same day I was given a quarter, by my boss, for going to the vending machine for him.
Total Stake = .35

21 August 2008 - Found another dime in the same drink machine.
Total Stake = .45

23 August 2008 - Stopped by a car wash on the way to a friends house. Found a dime. Stopped to get gas on the same trip. My wife found 4 quarters at the car wash across the street while I was pumping gas. She agreed to split it with me so that was an extra .50
Total Stake = $1.05

24 August 2008 - This blog is born.

25 August 2008 - 2 pennies were found, on the sidewalk, outside of the grocery store.
Total Stake = $1.07

26 August 2008 - 1 penny found at car wash.
Total Stake = $1.08

This puts me at Step 7. This means I am .20 cents away from Step 8 - $1.28.

Best strategy so far is found money. Actually that is the only strategy that I have profited from to date.

The best place to find money to date is the car wash, thus far finding .63 which is over half of my stake.

Money Invested = $0

There are currently 4 other strategies that I am working on. Thus far none of them have paid me.

Associated Content - I have completed one article. It has been submitted and I am currently awaiting an offer. The offer should be $3.24 this should be received next week.

Bum Marketing Method - One article has been completed for this method as well. I am currently waiting for acceptance into an affiliate program that I would like to promote in the article.

Bank Of America Referral Program - My account has been accepted. I am awaiting payment for being referred. I am also awaiting payment for referring one account. This amount will be $50, which I should be paid for in 90 days. That puts this payment to be expected around the first week of December.

Adsense - My account shows earnings of 7 cents. At this rate I should average 1 cent a day. That equals $3.65 for a year. Which means I should hit the minimum payout of $100 in 27.39 years. I expect payment sometime in 2035. Of cours at this point I have had very few visitors. The longer a blog is open, generally the more visitors they have. This obviously is not a very realistic future projection. There really is not enough data to go on as of yet.

These are my first month results. Actually, I have only been doing this for 15 days. Next months report will be for a full month. I have slowly but steadily been making it through the steps. Next week, I will make my first investment. I will let you know how it goes.

Slowly I grow,