Monday, August 25, 2008

Second Business: Freelance Writing

A while back I came across an incredible site. Associated Content. Associated Content is an incredible site. They pay you money up front for articles they also allow you to promote your websites etc within your material. They do state that the article must have a purpose other than self promotion. Anyway, I wrote an article for them a couple of years ago. My wife is an accomplished writer, I was looking for a way for her to make money at writing and I found this website. She of course was skeptical, so I wrote an article from the hip with very little thought put into it. It took me about 15 minutes to write if that and they paid me 3.88. They say they will pay upwards of $20 per article. I am positive if I had spent the time to do the research and refine the article that they would have paid me a lot more. Anyway, one good thing about this site is they also pay a certain amount for every thousand page views your article receives. You could actually build a residual income, while promoting your blog or website, while also getting paid. How sweet is that. Not only is it free advertising. They pay you to advertise.

Stay on the path.

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