Monday, August 25, 2008

First Business: Scrap Metal Removal Specialist

The first strategy or business to implement in this game is "Scrap Metal Removal Specialist". I know this is not very original there are others who did quite a bit of this in their early steps. Actually though, I had already started this before I read the Double to A Million Plan blog. I will be going a slightly different route as well. My job is at a construction site. There are many small pieces of scrap copper lying around. The larger scraps do not stay long they end up in someone else's truck way before I have a chance to snag them. But anyway, I probably have collected 3 or 4 pounds of copper in the last week. I will also start gathering cans from the job site and the road side and selling that as well. The copper along with the cans should get me well on my way. There is at least another 2 to 3 pounds of copper lying around on the job site I will probably retrieve it tomorrow. The main problem with this strategy is the recycling center is 35 miles from my house which means I would not break even if I were to pay for the gas. We do go right by the place once every couple of months so I will wait till we are going to be in the area. I am really anxious to get some more funds and just wish we were going that way sooner. Patience is one of the areas in my life that I feel this plan will have a profound effect on.

Stay on the path.
Slow and steady.

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