Monday, August 25, 2008

Ideas to knock out a few of these steps.

Many ideas have come to me since starting this blog. I have started to implement a couple of them but have not finished any as of yet. This post is just kind of to organize my thoughts and show where my thoughts are at the moment.

1. Collect scrap metal.
2. Write articles for associated content.
3. Sell canned soft drinks at work.

Keep in mind I only have $1.05 so any of these could easily double my money a few times over.
There are many other ideas in my head that I can not implement as of yet. These other ideas are on the back burner for now and I will definitely list those strategies as it gets closer to time to implement them.

The main problem with all of these ideas are the fact that they are service jobs. I do the work once and get the pay once. The only exception is associated content. This is fine for the lower levels as I move up I will try to find more ways to make a residual income. That way I can do the work once and get paid many times over.

I will keep you up to date as to when I implement these strategies and how it works.

Stay on the path.


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