Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Freelance writing start.

My first article was submitted to Associated Content. I am currently awaiting an offer for that article. I will keep you updated as to when it is approved and what the offer was. I am really excited about Associated Content for the simple fact that it is thus far my only real business attempt that could possibly lead to a residual income. My head is not in the clouds tho I am aware that I may only get a payment every year or two with what limited articles I currently have. I am considering writing an article or two every month to see if I can build a monthly residual income off of it. If I do decide to build my article submissions I will post some stats after a year and run some numbers to see what my average residual per article is and how many articles you would need based on the averages to make a full time income. Keep in mind also, I am not a professional author as a matter of fact I consider myself to be a mediocre author at best. Maybe with a college course or two in creative writing and a few hundred articles written I might would become a little better than mediocre. Who knows? But at this point in my life I have neither the time, energy, or desire to put in that kind of effort towards freelance writing. Maybe when I get out of the rat race and fire my boss.

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