Sunday, August 31, 2008

End of August Report

With this being the last day of the month, I have decided to recap. So with no further ado here are my first month results.

16 August 2008 - Read Penny Millions and The Rules. This experiment was started at this point.

20 August 2008 - Found a dime in the drink machine at work. On the same day I was given a quarter, by my boss, for going to the vending machine for him.
Total Stake = .35

21 August 2008 - Found another dime in the same drink machine.
Total Stake = .45

23 August 2008 - Stopped by a car wash on the way to a friends house. Found a dime. Stopped to get gas on the same trip. My wife found 4 quarters at the car wash across the street while I was pumping gas. She agreed to split it with me so that was an extra .50
Total Stake = $1.05

24 August 2008 - This blog is born.

25 August 2008 - 2 pennies were found, on the sidewalk, outside of the grocery store.
Total Stake = $1.07

26 August 2008 - 1 penny found at car wash.
Total Stake = $1.08

This puts me at Step 7. This means I am .20 cents away from Step 8 - $1.28.

Best strategy so far is found money. Actually that is the only strategy that I have profited from to date.

The best place to find money to date is the car wash, thus far finding .63 which is over half of my stake.

Money Invested = $0

There are currently 4 other strategies that I am working on. Thus far none of them have paid me.

Associated Content - I have completed one article. It has been submitted and I am currently awaiting an offer. The offer should be $3.24 this should be received next week.

Bum Marketing Method - One article has been completed for this method as well. I am currently waiting for acceptance into an affiliate program that I would like to promote in the article.

Bank Of America Referral Program - My account has been accepted. I am awaiting payment for being referred. I am also awaiting payment for referring one account. This amount will be $50, which I should be paid for in 90 days. That puts this payment to be expected around the first week of December.

Adsense - My account shows earnings of 7 cents. At this rate I should average 1 cent a day. That equals $3.65 for a year. Which means I should hit the minimum payout of $100 in 27.39 years. I expect payment sometime in 2035. Of cours at this point I have had very few visitors. The longer a blog is open, generally the more visitors they have. This obviously is not a very realistic future projection. There really is not enough data to go on as of yet.

These are my first month results. Actually, I have only been doing this for 15 days. Next months report will be for a full month. I have slowly but steadily been making it through the steps. Next week, I will make my first investment. I will let you know how it goes.

Slowly I grow,


Xinfinitum said...

Congratulations on getting this far with your Doubling Project.

27.39 years. :) hehe

For me Adsense started out very slow and it seemed like it would take decades to get that first payout. But surprisingly it picked up speed.

I started it in October 2006 and got the first payout in February 2008. Much quicker than I ever thought seeing I really didn't promote the blog very much.

I am nearly half way to the next payout at this point so things do happen with it.


rgrace said...

i just threw the 27.38 years in there being sarcastic. I know adsense will be slow for a while. I also know that over time it will add up and I will receive more and more. I was actually surprised at how much I made considering what few page views I have had thus far. I wish I could spend more time on the doubling project. At this time I am working a lot of overtime. It will probably be a month or so before I can actually start back up with it.
Thanks for the comments and encouragement.
