Monday, February 17, 2014

Project No Money Business Start Up

My new project will be starting soon.  I will be using money that I have found on the ground, from my penny millions days.  I have 67 cents right now that has been found.  So I will use that money to purchase something to resell.  I will open up a separate E-Bay account to prove that anyone can do this from scratch.  If I do not a lot of people will use it as an excuse, well I do not have any feedback so I cannot sell on E-Bay.  I do not want to leave any room for excuses :).  My plan is to build this into a part time business, the same way I have built my current business.  I will keep hunting for dropped change etc. throughout just to add to my capital.  I will start out picking at yard sales, thrift stores, etc.  And eventually move up to buying from E-Bay to resell and buying wholesale.  I will document each step, what I bought, what I payed, what it sold for, shipping cost, gas if it was not on my normal route, Ebay fees, paypal fees, the whole nine yards.  When I get enough data I will start writing the E-book, should be an educational journey for us all.  I will probably try some Crowd Funding on this project as well.  Regardless the things I will be doing are not difficult and anyone can do it.  That is the point, keep it simple and help people start a business to make a part time income, or even a full time income.  It will not be easy, it will take time, there will be some items that lose money.  All the pitfalls will be there, this is not going to be a book full of hype, just a realistic step by step manual for starting an E-commerce business.

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