Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Third Business: Refreshment Engineer

I work among a group of 5-12 people on a construction site. Often we are a long way from a store and I have noticed that most of the people I work with visit the drink machines on a daily basis when they have acces to one. An average of 8 drink are consumed by my fellow co workers everyday. I am going to start bringing cold canned drinks to work and sell them for 50 cents each. I can purchase a twelve pack for $2.50 and sell them for $6.00. I realize this will not get me far along in my steps but $2 a day profit equals $10 a week. That adds up to $520 in a year profit. That is not bad for what little time and effort is involved. Now all I have to do is get to a level where I can actually buy the drinks. This is definitely going to be a short term idea I am positive I can make a much better return elsewhere. This may boost me through a few steps though. I have a cooler and I already bring ice to work with me so that will not be an expense.

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